Recently, I have been shooting a ton from the water. Whether it be treading water shooting surf, on a boat or from a stand-up paddle-board I have been getting out there and taking photos. I've been able to do this with my new CMT Water Housing shown below. I will do another post shortly talking exclusively about the CMT Housing and why it was my choice when deciding which one to buy.
Originally when I bought the housing it was for all my surf adventures, as I've always felt being on land shooting has limited me as well as removed myself from the action. Being in the water, inches away from the surfers as they shoot by me is such a rush and being able to capture these moment is just too much fun. Inspired by many surf photographers I follow, I decided to bite the bullet and get myself a housing and I'm so glad I did.
Not only has the housing allowed me to take close up action shots of surfers but its made me think of other ways I can take advantage of being able to bring my camera into the water and get images I would never previously have got. As Hong Kong is so damn hot in the summer my time is often spent in or around the ocean when all you and your friends want to do it be outside, hopefully soaking in the sun and messing about. Before I had to leave my camera behind and miss the action, but now I no longer have to.
Below are a selection of my favourite shots taken from Hong Kong waters, be it surf, standup paddle-boarding, dragon boating, local HK fishing boats or mini 6" waves. Hope you enjoy